Please contact us, If you would like to schedule an Outreach Specialist to come to your event or present a Community Resource presentation
Phone: 740-687-0500 / Contact Us

Fairfield County 2-1-1 offers free Outreach Education services to anyone in our community.


Our program is strongly committed to community outreach and our goal is to develop strong and engaged relationships with members of the local community as well as with governmental, advocacy, and service organizations.


Our Outreach specialist are available to:


  • Attend resources fairs and networking events
  • Present Community Resource Presentations tailored to your need.  Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery, Basic Needs, Volunteer Opportunities, etc.
  • Go to groups of consumers that may have a barrier to contacting us and issue referrals. Homeless shelters, free meals, free clinics, etc.
  • And More!